Whenever you choose,
you are not total;
otherwise there would have been no question of choice.
When you choose,
that means one part of the mind
wanted the other and one part wanted this; now the major part has won.
All choices are a kind of parliamentary decision.
But the minority,
which was not agreeing,
is there and it will take revenge,
it will fight back.
Whenever there is a possibility for it to become the majority,
it will throw the old decision away
and will move to the opposite extreme.
That's how people go on moving from one extreme to another.
Today they eat too much,
tomorrow they fast and diet,
and the day after tomorrow
they eat too much again.
Choice always creates trouble.
There is a way to live life choicelessly
just watching,
not choosing. And through watching,
whatsoever is right starts happening.
Not that you choose it
it starts happening on its own accord. Something is going to happen.
If you don't choose,
it is going to happen;
if you don't choose
then existence will choose for you,
the whole will choose for you.
And that is the right choice,
when the whole chooses for you
and you simply wait in a receptive mood,
ready to go.
Let the whole choose.
You may like to practice this 12 min. Choiceless awareness meditation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1rWhHSOqxU