Gayatri Mantra
Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonah:
Throughout all realms of experience
essential nature illuminating existence
is the adorable
May all beings perceive through
subtle and meditative intellect
the magnificent brilliance
of enlightened awareness.
Mantras or precise sound vibrations produce geometric patterns. This can be examined under the right conditions. Scientific experiments have shown that, by changing the rate of vibration by raising or by lowering a sound wave, a visual pattern of the vibration also changes along with the rate of sound. This has been demonstrated through the medium of a drop of water, which when charged with different sound waves will produce a flow of geometric patterns. Sand scattered on the surface of a metal plate, shifts from one geometry to another along with currents of higher and lower tones. What is a Yantra? The Gayatri Yantra is a sacred diagram that transmits a subtle language encoded in the Gayatri’s potential. Geometric yantras may be so precise that each line is drawn in a certain direction and in a certain progression. Every curve, every line and even the number of lines convey meaning. Some yantras are not as precise in structure, but are as precise in the meaning that they convey. The exact message that a yantra embodies is nearly never, if ever, explained or spoken in words. The Gayatri Mantra and Gayatri Yantra are methods of initiation into a finer comprehension of her message. Also the Gayatri in any form is a vehicle for awakening, for grace and selflessness, as well as service to this world. Click on the Gayatri Yantra to enlarge The Gayatri Mantra Listen to Gayatri Mantra Recitation Listen to the Gayatri Mantra Song
From the book Gayatri Mantra written by ShantiMayi. Book and CD/Mp3 Gayatri Mantra Sacha Sadhana Click here for ordering the book and CD/Mp3 ‘Gayatri Mantra’. |