1996, we are offered satsang in ShantiMayi’s garden daily. I always take care to be early for satsang, drinking in the scene that so timelessly calls upon my heart’s desire: The desire to realize the essential nature from within. In fact, the word “desire” is far too casual to cover my deep, deep longing. I have heard ShantiMayi use the word “tapasia” for this essential thirst of the heart. All my senses are sharpened to the extreme when ShantiMayi starts speaking. I wish to extract the sacred message, and am dedicated to extract it NOW! Some words are resonating so deeply, as if they stand out in the sentences she speaks. I hear: These words keep circling and circling with the intensity of a bolt of lightning. My mind is raging like a storm to grasp what she is saying: This must me “it”. I feel like I am exploding and without taking in consideration my “turn” to speak, I exclaim: “Where is it?!!” ShantiMayi’s head shifts into my direction in an instant. Her eyes represent the same lightning intensity. I hear Her say: “It is not mental gymnastics, you are sitting in it!” I am dumfounded and grasp the sand where I am sitting on with both hands as if this were my last anchor point. I make a firm decision: I will not leave this spot before I see what She is speaking about. When I am sitting in it, I would be sitting in it everywhere. Why move an inch? And so I sit… and sit…. not caring about anything, anyone or any time. The next thing I am aware of is a light ray. It comes from a torch. As time must have been passing by, the night fell, and ShantiMayi shines her torch from her veranda on me without saying anything. I do not react; it is just a passing experience, and I disappear into a void again: timeless no-thing-ness. In this timeless-no-thing-ness, a pristine transparent awareness surfaces; completely impersonal. Un-named sounds without direction or meaning are perceived: Sounds of Silence in Boundless Eternal Awareness. “How is Ambani?” Another sound… in silence…. By “calling me back” she has thought me a Great Teaching. I am getting carefully on my feet, barely able to get my body moving. I feel completely drunk while walking to my room….. Nothing to grasp… and all to be. Jivanjili Leela (story) published in the book: Shri Hans Raj Maharajji AndThe Dawn of a New Consciousness |